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VBS 2025
True North

This year's Vacation Bible School (VBS)is June 16th-20th from 9:00am to 12:00pm and followed by a Night of Celebration on June 22nd at 5:30

​This year we are taking the ultimate Alaskan adventure where we will experience the northern lights, see majestic mountain ranges, hear the raging rivers and experience the sparkling glaciers of Alaska's wilderness. As we trek across Alaska's vast winter-scape we will learn how easy it is to lose our True North and how easy it is to get back on the right track. 

So bundle up and get ready to join us!!

Registration will open March 15th.






** In order to provide the best safety for our young people, we are requesting Parents, Grandparents and Guardians to physically walk their children into the church facility and to also come inside and pick up their children.  Our children’s safety is of our utmost concern. 


Thank you so much for adhering to this request.


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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Office:  803​.532.3896
Monday - Thursday:  8 a.m. - 4 p.m.


Click here to email us.


436 West Church St.

Batesburg, SC 29006

© 2015 First Baptist Church of Batesburg.

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