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Ministry Opportunities

Look below to see the different opportunities we have available for volunteers to serve God's church and His people here at FBC Batesburg.

Bible Study Director

Summary: Provide managerial oversight for the church Bible Study programs for preschoolers, children, students, and adults. The Bible Study Director serves as a member of the Church Council.


Requirements: The individual serving in this role should meet the following requirements:

  • Regular attendee of Bible Study and Worship

  • Faithful contributor through tithes and offerings

Duties: Primary assignments include:

  1. Provide assistance with the Nominating Committee in the enlistment of needed workers throughout the organization.

  2. Provide leadership and promote starting new classes. (Long Range Plan [LRP]on-campus and off-campus i.e. discipleship classes year 1 and cell groups year 2)

  3. Provide leadership through worker’s training and planning times. (LRP year 1) 

  4. Provide leadership in planning for outreach and ministry. 

  5. Emphasize continually the importance of enrolling new people and discovering prospects through Bible Study.

  6. Insure that appropriate literature is ordered in cooperation with Bible Study teachers and the church office in appropriate quantities.

  7. Insure that accurate records, such as enrollment and attendance, are kept through the church office.

  8. Emphasize the importance of the Bible Study to the church body.

  9. Contact South Carolina Baptist Convention for assistance. (LRP year 1)

  10. Recommend name change.  (LRP year 1)

  11. Encourage Bible Study classes to be sensitive to benevolent needs. (LRP year 1)

  12. Add personal touch and witness—prayer partners. (LRP year 1)

  13. Have Bible Study promotion. (LRP  year 2)

  14. Establish a follow-up program for absenteeism. (LRP year 2)

  15. Encourage Bible Study classes to adopt and complete community projects. (LRP year 3)

Bible Study Outreach Director

Summary: Provide managerial oversight to the outreach ministries of the church through Bible



Requirements: The individual serving in this role should meet the following requirements:

  • Regular attendee of Bible Study and Worship

  • Faithful contributor through tithes and offerings


Duties: Primary assignments include:

1. Organize and oversee the outreach ministry of Bible Study.
2. Oversee the assignment of visitor information, and church inquiries to Bible Study
classes for follow-up.
3. Recruit and train Bible Study class outreach leaders. (Long Range Plan [LRP] Year
4. Research, survey, and evaluate the community to identify unreached people.
5. Ensure Bible Study classes have adequate outreach materials and church promotional
6. Regularly evaluate outreach efforts to determine effectiveness and make
recommendations for improvement.
7. Work with other church leaders to promote a positive image of the church in the
community while reaching out to community members.
8. Pray regularly for outreach efforts.
9. Promote Ministry in Action. Bible Study classes adopt a local and non-local ministry.
(LRP Year 1)
10. Establish visitor cards and new member cards for Bible Study. (LRP Year 1)
11. Install signage on doors and classrooms. (LRP Year 1)
12. Encourage Friend Day or other outreach opportunities. (LRP Year 1)
13. Encourage Bible Study classes to adopt and complete community projects. (LRP
Year 1)
14. Develop a prospect list from each Bible Study class. Pray for the prospects and
contact them.
15. First time visitors: send thank you note and invite to return.


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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Office:  803​.532.3896
Monday - Thursday:  8 a.m. - 4 p.m.


Click here to email us.


436 West Church St.

Batesburg, SC 29006

© 2015 First Baptist Church of Batesburg.

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