What is WMU?
A lot of people think Woman’s Missionary Union (WMU), an auxiliary to the Southern Baptist Convention and to state conventions, is dying, but that’s not true. In South Carolina, where an estimated 75 percent of churches (more than 1,575) have some involvement with WMU, members are deeply involved in local, North American, and international missions education and service.
“All through the year, we hear from churches that want to start something new within Woman’s Missionary Union,” says Laurie Register, executive director-treasurer of South Carolina WMU. “WMU is active and involved all over South Carolina through weekly and monthly meetings, children participating in missions education, and adults getting beyond the walls of the local church to serve others.”
Though organized in Society Hill, SC as the Central Committee in the South, in 1875, South Carolina WMU was organized as such in Greenville in 1902. The organization’s sole purpose is missions and according to its Web site, “South Carolina WMU continues to seek innovative and creative ways to involve more individuals, families, groups, and churches in missions by helping them find their place in missions, and passing on that passion for missions to future generations.”
What does WMU look like at First Baptist Church of Batesburg?
There are currently (3) mission groups for women to learn about and participate in missions throughout our church. Each have their own different meeting times & days to provide some flexibility. These groups are as follows:
Lydia Mission Group meets on the 1st Monday of the month at 2:00 p.m.
BMW Group meets on the 1st Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m.
Julia Mae Group meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.
For more information on any of our groups, please contact the church office at 803-532-3896.
*Currently, our BMW Group is the only one that has access to online giving. To make a donation to
our WMU BMW Group, please click here.