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First Baptist Church of Batesburg has a long history of worship and service to the community. While the history of any church is important in understanding its roots and foundation, it is the future that holds the key to continued vitality and growth in the kingdom of God. Instead of being locked into the past, First Baptist Church is committed to being a vibrant, growing, and inclusive fellowship, with creative and quality ministries which are dedicated to proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Growth is for all seasons of life and we invite you to join us as we move forward in following Jesus.


First Baptist Church Batesburg started after several Baptist believers who were meeting in Batesburg one Sunday in July 1872 thought it would be good for Baptists to have a place to worship.  Out of that small group, a committee was appointed to began work towards this vision.  Within a year, land was purchased and a building completed.  Then on May 24, 1873, sixteen men and women met in that newly constructed worship center and constituted what was then called Batesburg Baptist Church.  Almost at once the church became a growing, active instrument for God. A  revival was held that August at which six people were added to the role of the church.

Let's take it from the top:

In the years following these early days, First Baptist Batesburg  continued to experience growth both numerically and materially. More revivals were held, and many more people were saved through the preaching of the Word.  To accommodate these additional members the church entered into new building programs, and pastors were called to lead, teach and disciple these new converts.

It’s been a rich history at First Baptist Batesburg, and over these 148 years the church has experienced some changes. The membership has changed.  Many have died to receive their reward in heaven.  Others moved on to other communities. Buildings have changed too. Two more worship centers have been built since that first building in 1872, and two educational buildings, one in 1929, and then its replacement in 1995. Even the name changed when the church members voted to call themselves First Baptist Church instead of Batesburg Baptist. However, even with these changes, the one thing that has remained constant over the course of the past 141 years: our vision.  Like those first charter members , the members today hold the same vision for a gathered community of believers dedicated to worshiping our Lord and proclaiming His good news of salvation through Jesus Christ.

We who call ourselves First Baptist Church of Batesburg cherish our history; however we don’t dwell on it nor let it hinder us from realizing our future.  We simply  use it as  an inspiration for pressing forward to reach the next generation of believers who will continue this history.  We invite you to come and be a part of this historic work of God through His people First Baptist Batesburg.



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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Office:  803​.532.3896
Monday - Thursday:  8 a.m. - 4 p.m.


Click here to email us.


436 West Church St.

Batesburg, SC 29006

© 2015 First Baptist Church of Batesburg.

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